Rapala X-Rap Countdown Lure

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Size: 7CM


Based on the original CountDown that hit the scene in the 1960’s, the X-Rap® CountDown brings a modern twist to this popular lure. Being in the X-Rap® family you can trust it has the durability and attitude to mix it with the toughest of predators. Sinking 30% faster than the original CountDown the X-Rap® CountDown has a tight action and a weight that allows it to cast like a bullet. With a tight rolling action and fluttering on the pause the X-Rap CountDown produces an injured baitfish action that can entice even the most shut down fish to strike.

Designed to target trout however more and more anglers are using the X-Rap® CountDown in the saltwater chasing species like trevally, flathead, tailor and other species that are feeding on smaller baitfish.